Day One -
There's no picture for yesterday, but be warned, tomorrow there will be!!!!!

Exercise -
Yesterday, my exercise consisted of an hour long SET class at 24. Needless to sat it was both sweaty and humiliating. I'm so uncoordinated that, had it been, turbo kickboxing, I might have killed someone.

Eats -
The eats was a little weird yesterday... I had a bowl of cinnamon chex for breakfast, and munched on a few almonds and coffee for lunch(not good I know, and had a coldbuster from jamba for dinner. Oh, and a few salt & pepper pistachios.
I know, I know, you've heard this before, but this time I have 22 days before I have to stand next to Sara in her wedding dress. This is go time! I need to Bring it on Again! All or Nothing! In it to Win it! For the WIN! Fight to the FINISH!

OK, Enough Sequels! Let the nightmare begin!