Day One -
There's no picture for yesterday, but be warned, tomorrow there will be!!!!!

Exercise -
Yesterday, my exercise consisted of an hour long SET class at 24. Needless to sat it was both sweaty and humiliating. I'm so uncoordinated that, had it been, turbo kickboxing, I might have killed someone.

Eats -
The eats was a little weird yesterday... I had a bowl of cinnamon chex for breakfast, and munched on a few almonds and coffee for lunch(not good I know, and had a coldbuster from jamba for dinner. Oh, and a few salt & pepper pistachios.
I know, I know, you've heard this before, but this time I have 22 days before I have to stand next to Sara in her wedding dress. This is go time! I need to Bring it on Again! All or Nothing! In it to Win it! For the WIN! Fight to the FINISH!

OK, Enough Sequels! Let the nightmare begin!
On July 1st, I reached my highest recorded weight to date. While on a scale at the gym for the beginning of my work out to drop 30 lbs in 30 days, I was shocked and dismayed, as I am sure you will be my friend to learn that I had allowed my weight to get up to 222 lbs.

I am still working on the logistics of how things will be tracked on this here blog, but needless to say, the battle has begun!
It's Tuesday. I've been married for 319 days and roughly 21 hours and 45 minutes

I've gained so much. A loving wife, experience, wisdom, and roughly 30 lbs!

That's right. The trials we faced together here on this blog have been all but forgotten in a haze of coldstone visits and convenient fast food runs on the way to school. Now I must turn to you my friends, to tip the scale.

We've been fighting a long time. We are out numbered by saturated fats and fried food. Eating around the clock,without quit. Humans have a hunger that cannot be measured. This is Brandon Thresher. If you are reading to this,you are the resistance.

If we stay the course, we are dead! WE ARE ALL DEAD! Win or lose, this war ends this summer!

The End Begins...

July 2009

Check it out!
More words to come...

Day 22: 8-14-08

Days Remaining: 0

Weight: 195

Weight Misplaced So Far: 15 lbs.

No time to post...crazy wedding stuff all day.

Day 21: 8-13-08

Days Remaining: 1

Weight: 194

Weight Misplaced So Far: 16 lbs.